The Best Defense
Be Alert!!! Checking plants, turf, trees and home interior weekly is the best defense. We are happy to diagnose and consult with anyone who needs our help. Call Bon Voyage Pest Control, Inc. at (239)261-7474, (239)334-8500 or (239)947-6394
Chinch Bugs
Chinch bugs are both one of the most misdiagnosed (40%) insect infestations in Florida turf and the easiest insects to identify. Chinch bug damage can be confused with certain lawn diseases. Brown patch symptoms, however, usually occur in a circular or semi-circular pattern, as opposed to the irregular-shaped areas of dead and dying grass that result from chinch bug feeding. Chinch bug damage also can be difficult to distinguish from that caused by drought or improper quantities of water.
Most lawn fungus problems can be prevented by a combination of proper maintenance (water, cutting, nutrition etc.) and the use of a good fungicide. A healthy lawn is able to fight off enemies such as fungi, weeds, and insect pests. Keeping your turf cut at the right height (3-4” in the fall/winter)and applying the right quantity of water at the proper times (early morning before the sun comes up) and fertilizing with the proper fertilizer will go a long way in fighting off lawn pests and fungus. Different kinds of fungus thrive under different temperatures and moisture conditions.
Broadleaf Weeds
Broadleaf weeds are a hot topic with customers. They are easy to see and not easily treated during periods of wet, hot or cold weather ( above 90 or below 65 degrees). Studies have shown that recycling or mulching the grass has caused an increase in the weed population in Florida Turf – both grassy and broadleaf weeds. Communication, education and timing are important tools when it comes to weeds. Prevention – There are many things that can be done to prevent or slow broadleaf weed intrusion. The proper quantity of water has been reported to be a major factor in preventing dollar weed. Mowing at the proper height will promote thicker turf and leave less space and light for the weeds. Proper fertilization is also a factor in weed control. Chemical prevention and control have been very successful with broadleaf weeds when timed and applied properly.
Occasional Invaders
Who invited these guys?? Sod webworms, Oleander caterpillars, Bougainvillea caterpillars should start to disappear as the temperature and humidity changes. Aphids, Scale, Mealy bugs Bed Bugs, Ants, Roaches, Mice and many other occasional invaders will continue to be pests thru the winter.